Map Of Usa 1860
Includes census of the united states for 1860.
Map of usa 1860. The nystrom plete u s history map set nystrom education map us railroads 1860 file blank us map 1860g wikimedia mons file 1860 electoral map wikimedia mons grolier online atlas us map showing states name united states 1860 1870 file buffalo sol rs map 1860 1900 wikimedia mons czeshop data maps american passages a history of the united states map of us virgin islands and surrounding area current us temperature map us road map highways us map quiz game us map physical features us map us. Indian posts tribes and battles 1860 1890. Available also through the library of congress web site as a raster image. The united states at the outbreak of the civil war 1860 1861 a map of the united states at the outbreak of the civil war 1860 1861 showing the states that seceded to form the confederate states of america.
Map of free and slave states in 1860 this map identifies which states and territories of the united states allowed slavery and which did not in 1860 on the eve of the civil war. In december south carolina became the first state to act by formally. History quiz map of the usa in 1860 random history or state quiz can you identify the states and territories of the us on the eve of the civil war in 1860. Post civil war united states 1865 1892.
Army center of military history. By 1860 the rift between the slave states of the southern united states and the free states of the north was almost irreconcilable. By scole9179 plays quiz updated feb 10 2017 rate 5. The slaveholding border states included missouri kentucky virginia maryland and delaware.
Louis new orleans louisville cincinnati washington d c. People in history historic people main people in history a c people in history d f people in history g i. Red man made boundary black disputed boundary 1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860. 1860 80 w 75 w 70 w 25 n 30 n 35 n 4 0 n 5 0 n 45 n 125 w 120 w 115 w 110 w 105 w 100 w 95 w 90 w 85 w t r o p i c o f c a n c e r 50 n l a k e s u p eri o r l a k e e e i e m i c h i g a n n l a k e a h u r o n l a k r l a k e o t r i o atlantic ocean gulf of mexico pacific ocean chicago st.
1860 map of the united states the map of the united states shown below displays the boundaries for each of the states that existed in year 1860 according to the united states geological survey bulletin 1212. The washington map of the united states relief shown in hachures and spot heights. Includes insets of 6 views 5 maps and 4 profiles. Related links native americans map list about the cheyenne about crazy horse.
Baltimore philadelphia boston buffalo new york city newark providence hartford san francisco. The united states 1860 a map of the united states in 1860 showing the states and territory boundaries at the time and is color coded to show the slave states and distribution of slaves the free states and the territories all open to slavery under the compromise o. United states of america. When abraham lincoln of the anti slavery republican party was elected president in spite of almost universal southern opposition many southerners decided there was no future in the union.